Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of july

Ok, so I obviously need to learn how to take better pictures!  I am so bummed that there is not a clear picture of the kids.  Anyway, we decided to skip fireworks this year, it is always such a headache getting home after, so we stayed home.  We had a bonfire for the kids and used up a bunch of sparklers left over from last year.  I don't know if Shelby would have wanted to do anything else!!!  It was so funny, you should have seen her.  EVERY time, she would hold them high above her head and run around the yard screaming the whole way.  That is what I love about her, she is so in love with everything that she does.  Well, not EVERYTHING.  But she is equally passionate about what she HATES.  It is all or nothing with that girl.  Tyler had a ton of fun, too. Chad was home (the next door neighbor) so the two of them spent the evening together. Sparklers and s'mores and all of that.  He really loves to be with his friends.  His sister will just not do, I'm afraid.
Earlier in the day, Tyler was in the Delano parade.  He roller bladed with some of the hockey players.  I think that he had fun.  He was pretty exhausted after, but when he and Jason went past Shelby and I, he seemed to be having a blast.  He threw a ball to Chad and Jason gave some candy to Shelby, so everyone was happy.  Of course, I forgot the camera.  I cant ever seem to remember it, but looking at my pictures from the evening, it may not have been a huge loss.
Happy 4th to all!
The Eckerts

Friday, July 4, 2008

Thanks for visiting us on the web!  I want to create a space where friends and family can log on and watch our children grow.  With so many family and friends all over the world, it is hard to keep up.  Now you can log on any time and see what we are up to!  Feel free to post comments, questions and your own personal updates!

Jason, Bridget, Tyler and Shelby Eckert